Get Involved

Looking to support the Veteran community through volunteer work?  Below are some organizations that could use your help!

Before the Last Call

Before the Last Call is looking for people who want to give back to our Nation's Heroes and help their FREE equine therapy program. Volunteer roles include:

For more information, contact

Clear Path for Veterans

Volunteers are the soul of our organization. They enable us to deliver world-class experiences and life-altering programming every day. Join our vibrant team of dedicated volunteers and make an impact. Volunteer Registration | Clear Path for Veterans ( 

Compeer Rochester

Looking for a meaningful volunteering opportunity in Rochester, NY? We are confident that Compeer Rochester volunteers receive as much as they give. Volunteers are carefully matched according to mutual preferences and receive comprehensive, customized training, and personalized, constant support from Compeer Rochester staff. Become a Volunteer — Compeer Rochester 

DAV: Disabled American Veterans 

Our nation’s heroes travel around the globe to protect our freedoms—it’s only right that we return their dedication. Volunteering to drive a vehicle ensures that even those living remotely from VA hospitals can make their appointments and never go without the treatment they need. It’s all part of the DAV Transportation Network, administered by our Hospital Service Coordinators at the VA’s medical facilities. Drive A Vehicle Form - DAV 


Donating your time at EquiCenter is much more than a regular volunteer opportunity. You will be joining a community dedicated to improving the lives of others. Each day, you will be rewarded by the smiles and accomplishments of our riders and participants!

Whatever your interest and talent, from working with our horses, taking a hands-on role in our life-changing programs, helping on the farm, or working behind the scenes at our events, we invite you to learn more about EquiCenter and ways to get involved. Volunteer | EquiCenter, Inc. ( 

Honor Flight

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Honor Flight. We ask all of our potential volunteers to complete an application so we can obtain your contact information as well as your “job” preferences. 

Honor Flight Rochester, Inc. is an all-volunteer organization. Volunteer opportunities include:

Find the application here: Volunteers - Honor Flight RochesterHonor Flight Rochester 

Lap  Robes for Veterans

Thousands of lap robes have been donated to Veterans in the Finger Lakes region and the demand keeps growing! If you can sew, they could use your help creating these beautiful gifts. Please email Sue at

Marine Corps Coordinating Council 

The Marine Corps Coordinating Council is proud to actively support the local U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots campaign. To volunteer, please visit Toys for Tots — Marine Corps Coordinating Council ( then scroll down to 'Click here for Rochester Toys for Tots Campaign'. Thank you for your time helping to ensure that "Every child deserves a little Christmas".

The Mission Continues

The Mission Continues is a national non-profit that empowers Veterans to continue serving in our nation’s under-resourced communities, giving Veterans the opportunity to keep serving even after the uniform comes off, right here at home. Our programs deploy Veterans and volunteers to work alongside nonprofit partners and community leaders to improve educational resources, tackle food insecurity, foster neighborhood identity, and more. Visit their website to register for an upcoming event. Rochester Platoon | The Mission Continues 

Monroe County War on Terror Memorial

The Monroe County War on Terror Memorial is always looking for help maintaining the memorial and participating in outreach or fundraising events. If you are interested in lending a hand, please contact

One Soldier at a Time

Dedicated to truly making a difference in the lives of our military, One Soldier at a Time is always open to volunteers. Volunteer opportunities include:

To donate your time, please contact Lauren Coe at 585-764-4550 or

Pawsitive for Heroes

Pawsitive for Heroes can provide service dogs to Veterans who are in medical need. They are in need of caring foster homes for dogs involved with the program. Please fill out an application if you are interested. Pawsitive For Heroes - WNY Heroes 

Sunny Mike Foundation

Looking to make a difference and share your skills? Why not volunteer with Sunny Mike?! They depend on volunteers in many ways including:

Interested? Fill out their volunteer application here: Volunteer — Sunny Mike Foundation 

Veterans Outreach Center

The work that VOC does to support our Veterans cannot be done without the army of volunteers that donate their time every year. If you are interested in joining the VOC family, please complete their volunteer application. Once complete, their volunteer coordinator will be in touch to match your talents with their volunteer needs. Volunteer — Veterans Outreach Center 

WNY Heroes

Volunteering is an American tradition that has made an immeasurable contribution to communities, organizations, and individuals throughout the country. WNYHeroes volunteers are active, dynamic, creative individuals who possess the skills, desire, patience, and time to accomplish a wide variety of tasks. Volunteer - WNY Heroes